I am aware that learning or participating in the above activity can be an activity involving risk of injury, including serious injury. I fully understand that the City of Portland, its agents, officers and employees accept no responsibility and will not be liable for any injury, harm or damage to participant’s property occurring during or arising out of participation out of said program. To the fullest extent permitted by law, I do hereby agree to assume all risk of injury, harm or damage to participant’s person or property (including but not limited to participant’s property caused by negligence of the City of Portland, its agents, officers or employees) arising during or in connection with said program, and I do hereby release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Portland, its agents, officers and employees from any and all liability, actions, damages and claims of any kind and nature whatsoever (including but not limited to participant’s property caused by negligence of the City of Portland, its agents, officers or employees) for injury harm or damage to participant’s property that may arise or occur during or in connection with said programs. I also agree to abide by any and all rules, regulations, and policies of the above activity.